10. Family – Parenting and Education
1 WHAT IS CORONAVIRUS: symptoms, advice
2 DANGER: stats, news
3 RISK groups, kids
4 CURES vaccine, alternative remedies
5 TESTS, immunity
6 Anxiety, traveling, preconditions
7 Frequent QUESTIONS
8 Economics, recession, WORLD, theories
10 PARENTING, family, and education
11 WORK from home, tech tips, jobs
12 ORGANIZATION, business, opportunity
10.1 Education during times of coronavirus
[search] BBC, Great Britain (traffic rank # 70)
[search] CNN, international (traffic rank # 70)
[search] New York Times, international (traffic rank # 70)
[search] Forbes, international (traffic rank # 200)
[search] Wired, USA (traffic rank # 1,300)
10.2 Children during coronavirus
[search] BBC, Great Britain (traffic rank # 70)
[search] News, New York Times, USA (traffic rank # 80)
[search] CNN, international (traffic rank # 70)
[search] Forbes, international (traffic rank # 200)
[search] Wired, USA (traffic rank # 1,300)
10.3 Family advice during the coronavirus
[search] BBC, Great Britain (traffic rank # 70)
[search] CNN, international (traffic rank # 70)
[search] News, New York Times, USA (traffic rank # 80)
[search] Forbes, international (traffic rank # 200)
[search] Wired, USA (traffic rank # 1,300)
- education during coronavirus
- parenting during coronavirus
- family tips during coronavirus[ Forbes(r) ] – traffic # 250[ Inc(r) ] – traffic # 1,650[ Wired(r) ] – traffic # 1,350

Reference resources
Fatherly (family advice) – Traffic rank # 14,500
Fatherly is the leading digital media brand for dads. Its mission is to empower men to raise great kids and lead more fulfilling adult lives. From original video series and deep-dive reports to podcasts and events, Fatherly offers original reporting, expert parenting advice, and hard-won insights into a challenging, but profoundly rewarding stage of life.
Fatherly es la marca líder de medios digitales para padres de familia. Su misión es capacitar a los hombres para que críen hijos maravillosos y lleven vidas adultas más satisfactorias. Desde series de videos originales e informes de inmersión profunda hasta podcasts y eventos, Fatherly ofrece informes originales, consejos de padres expertos e ideas obtenidas con esfuerzo en una etapa de la vida desafiante pero profundamente gratificante.
About Fatherly
Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatherly) states:
Fatherly is a digital lifestyle brand that provides news, expert advice, product recommendations and other resources for parents. The company was founded in 2015 and is based in New York City.
Fatherly offers articles, videos, and other digital content tailored to young fathers. The company has been described by the New York Times as “Buzzfeed meets Vice for parents”. While the site’s content is geared toward men, half of Fatherly’s audience are women. Many well-known parenting experts, authors, activists and celebrities have made contributions to Fatherly, including Melinda Gates, Michael Strahan, Jeff Kinney, and William Sears.
Fatherly covers a variety of topics across health, science, play, relationships, personal finance, gear and parenting. It also has several content franchises including 940 Weekends, which focuses on activities, My Father, which provides first-person narratives from sons and daughters of famous parents, and The Fatherly Podcast, a streaming, conversation-based show.
Other readings
5 tips for effectively working from home during the coronavirus outbreak, when you have kids Site traffic rank # 270
Five simple tips for implementing an effective work-from-home set-up with your kids.
About CNBC
Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNBC) states:
CNBC is an American pay television business news channel that is owned by NBCUniversal Broadcast, Cable, Sports and News, a division of NBCUniversal, with both being ultimately owned by Comcast. Headquartered in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,[1] the network primarily carries business day coverage of U.S. and international financial markets; following the end of the business day and on non-trading days, CNBC primarily carries financial and business-themed documentaries and reality shows.
Information sources1. What is coronavirus, symptoms, advice:
The following services base their opinions in reliable information: [ Mundo.Spain(r) ] – traffic # 830 [ ABC.Spain(site) ] – traffic # 1220 [ GreatBritain(site) ] – traffic # 70 [ Canada(r) **] – traffic # 1,120 [ France(r) ] – traffic # 39,700 [ U.S.Consulates(r) ] – traffic # 2,700 [ New York Times (r) ] – traffic # 80 [ CNN(r) ] – traffic # 70 |
[ Fox(site) ] – traffic # 220 [ CDC.USA(r) ] – traffic # 300 [ World Economic Forum(r) ] – traffic # 3,400 [ Healthline(r) ] – traffic # 250 [ WebMD(r) ] – traffic # 530 [ Mayo Clinic(r) ] – traffic # 870 [ Science/Research(r) ] – traffic # 125 [ MedicalScience(r) ] – traffic # 630