Selected, curated content for life-defining issues and your own personal, business, or social-oriented decisions. Do not regret a decision later! Find relevant resources and advice today.

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This video (4-minutes long), “5 tips to improve your critical thinking” by Samantha Agoos, is part of the TED-Ed Series Lessons Worth Sharing. (We are not affiliated with TED Talks. At we point to select Internet content, relevant to your needs.)

Every day brings us many choices. Samantha Agoos describes a 5-step process for critical thinking, a technique for better decisions.

Attempting to put particular attention to those decisions that are more important for our lives is a great resolution to follow!

Practical information you can trust to resolve difficult choices in life, and prosper.

In social media, information arrives effortlessly. But, already in 2017, there were one hundred and ninety million bots on just three social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram*, every month generating hundreds of millions of false messages and confusing us.

* Source: UCSB, University of California, Santa Barbara).

So, this is now an urgent need…
Reliable information for those decisions that can make or ruin our lives:
in our relationships, productivity, family, company, or health.
We have organized information in those five areas and will allow you to rate and prioritize information you prefer.

We now have access to resources and information we can use, bringing us opportunities to lead a happier life for ourselves and our families.

Click on: articles trending these days, life-changing decisions by category, or structured live books.

Making good decisions and the ability to make them are conducive to having a good, happy, and successful life.

Most importantly, there are moments in which a decision can determine a large portion of your or our future.
What would you be willing to sacrifice to be successful, happy, and have a good life for yourself and your family? It is simple: focus on making the right decisions when it counts the most. And remember: many decisions cannot be undone, or it is difficult and costly to fix them later. Make the right decisions from your very first attempt.

That is our purpose at giving you the information you need to make the best decisions you can when it counts.

The paradox of life is that people seem to deliberate more carefully over little choices than the big ones. Before buying a car, they read all the ratings, check out resale values on the Internet, and so on.
But when it comes to choosing their professional life, they sort of slide rather than decide. They slide incrementally into a career because someone gave them a job. They marry the person whom they happen to be living next to.

— David Brooks, The Second Mountain

The human brain has difficulty weighing the pros and cons. We aren’t built to be rational and often have internal biases. We need to see the big picture. (HSI, Training & Employee Development, Tips to Improve Decision-Making Skills.)

To improve decision-making, research has shown that even basic training in probability makes people better forecasters and helps them avoid certain cognitive biases. For example, if you are considering funding a startup, you might ask: What percentage of startups fail? (Or, what percentage succeed?) etc.

By doing this, you will get away from the “inside view,” where the specifics of the decision overwhelm your analysis. Instead, you want to take the “outside view,” where you start with similar cases before considering the specifics of your case.  (3 Ways to Improve Your Decision Making – Harvard. By: Walter Frick. January 22, 2018.)