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Decisions that Shape up your Life
How Important Decisions Define your Life From: 5 Decisions That’ll Change Your Life, by Joe Landi. All Pro Dad. Critical to a more successful life is getting yourself ready for those moments in life when you will face life-making decisions. ---- Joe Landi at All Pro...
Importance of Making Good Connections – Entrepreneur
This serial entrepreneur and networking genius offers everything you need to know to jump back into post-pandemic workforce creating more connections than ever!
How to Help the Planet – RealSimple
The planet needs our help like never before. We’re at a critical turning point, not only with regard to the impacts of climate change, but also pollution from plastic waste, environmental destruction, and wildlife extinction.
Rising concentration of CO2 – SBS.com
Carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere has hit levels not seen in at least four million years, with scientists warning that the effects of climate change will only worsen in Australia and around the world without swift action to curb emissions.
MIT’s solar desalination device – BigThink
Water covers more than two-thirds of Earth’s surface, but 97% of it is undrinkable saltwater. A new, cheap solar desalination device uses gravity-driven convection to purify water.
Carbon capture system – NewAtlas
In a new advance, researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have developed a new compound that can reportedly remove carbon dioxide from ambient air with 99 percent efficiency and at least twice as fast as existing systems.