How Important Decisions Define your Life
From: 5 Decisions That’ll Change Your Life, by Joe Landi. All Pro Dad.
Critical to a more successful life is getting yourself ready for those moments in life when you will face life-making decisions.
Joe Landi at All Pro Dad does a tremendous job describing how good decisions can bring you so much blessing in life.
We have frequently heard some people state that they do not regret anything in their lives, and that’s not the truth, many times. We all can remember specific moments in life in which we could have chosen better: a different career, place of living, choice of friends, expenses or investments we should not have made, or loans we should not have taken. They all mark our lives.
So how can we improve this from this moment on? How can we pass to our children better ways to ponder those decisions when their time comes to do so?
Joe Landi and All Pro Dad suggest a very specific path: first prepare yourself for it. Joe states: “Decide to better yourself.” “Decide to sacrifice for others.” Plus three other life-making decisions that are key to everything that will come after that.
Because getting ready is key. Not only building character, since not everything is based on discipline. Love is not a second-rate concept for romantics, but it is truly one of the essential and strongest forces shaping our world: love for our work and what we do, love for our family, love for ourselves, and all our positive goals. Love is the visceral strength that fills up our hearts and minds, allowing us to do everything we need, more easily.
I will quote from the article: “I’m not sure we always realize the significance of our decisions. Research says we make thousands of decisions every day, some seemingly more important than others. Some decisions (or lack of decisions) have a tremendous impact. Here are 5 potential life-changing decisions you can make every day.”